How to Say a Eulogy About Funny Uncle

Personalizing a Eulogy for Your Uncle (With Samples)


Sally Painter Sally Painter

Sally is a prolific non-fiction and fiction writer, who has appeared in multiple print and digital publications.

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Giving eulogy for their uncle

Your uncle has a special place in your heart that you can convey with a personalized eulogy. A few sample eulogies written for a favorite uncle offer ways to approach writing your eulogy to say what is in your heart.

Introduction About Your Uncle

It's nice to see so many of Uncle Henry's friends here from Station 149. Even though he retired five years ago, he always talked about his brothers at the fire department. I know he visited with you every few weeks. He just couldn't stay away.

He volunteered at the community center every Saturday morning and mentored teenage boys who participated in the teens' club. It means so much to us, his family, to see you here today. He talked about you all the time, and I know how much he loved each of you.

Who Your Uncle Was to You

This is who Uncle Henry was to the world. To me, he was the man who taught me how to cope with heartaches when they come my way. You see, he became my surrogate dad when my father died while fighting a fire at an apartment complex.

Uncle Henry stepped up as he always did, and I don't know what I would have done without him. He was my rock. He made sure that I had whatever I needed, not just material things, but also emotionally and spiritually.

He taught me that life will throw you punches and blindside you, but you always have to keep looking straight ahead and never look back. He'd say, "If you're always looking behind you, you can't see what's right in front of you or what's about to come your way. It could be something good, so you don't want to miss it." I always smile when I think about him saying that and then giving me one of his big bear hugs.

Uncle Henry loved life. He liked to eat, which made him learn to cook. I know those at the fire station enjoyed his barbecue and chili almost as much as I did. He did share his recipes with me, so that is another legacy of his that will live on.

Closing and Farewell

I owe everything that I am today to my Uncle Henry and the unconditional love he gave to me. Uncle Henry, I know you're still looking in front of you. You've answered your last call and can now rest in peace.

Sample Eulogy for a Favorite Uncle

If your uncle was your favorite, you can give him the sendoff he deserves. You want to make your eulogy personal and even reveal a side of him that others never saw, such as he was a prankster, enjoyed zombie movies, or had a secret hobby.

Introduction About Your Uncle

My Uncle Pete was an amazing guy. He owned the downtown hardware company and ran it up until he became ill. He knew everyone in town, and his hospital room was always overflowing with visitors. He was a friend to everyone he ever met. People loved my Uncle Pete. So did I.

Share a Little About His Good Deeds

Uncle Pete was my best friend. I could tell him anything. Even when I was a child, I always ran to him if my dad was out-of-town on business, and I had a problem. Uncle Pete would drop whatever he was doing and give me 100% of his attention. I'm sure my interruptions at the store were inconvenient, but he never made me feel like he was too busy or that I was bothering him.

He let me play in the store and in high school I worked at the store after school. Uncle Pete taught me so much about tools, machines, and all the cool things in his hardware store. But the most important things he taught me were about how to live a good life and how to treat people. I never heard my uncle say one bad thing about another person. That's because he only looked for the good.

Uncle Pete was a natural when it came to his business. He loved helping people find the tools they needed and enjoyed hearing about their various projects. He was always eager to help customers and friends resolve mechanical problems. I used to laugh and tell him that he had gasoline and motor oil running through his veins and he's always say, I forgot to include a degreaser.

Offer Personal Insight to Character

What most people never knew about my Uncle Pete is that he liked to sit outside at night and stargaze. I spent summer nights sitting with him learning about the star constellations. Sometimes he'd break out his telescope. It was something just the two of us did. We had great conversations, and I got to know a different side of my Uncle Pete.

Say Goodbye

So, Uncle Pete, you're no longer gazing at the stars; you're one of them now. Shine on!

Tips to Personalize a Eulogy

You can write your own eulogy full of personal details that gets to the heart of who your uncle was.

  • Share insights into your uncle's personality and character.
  • Choose two to three good memories of your uncle that make you smile or fill your heart with love.
  • Focus on these and other positive things you want everyone to know about him.
  • Share a story or anecdote from his childhood that your parent has shared with you about him.
  • Tell about a time your uncle did something funny, fun, or special for you.

Tailor Your Eulogy to Reflect Your Uncle

You can tailor the sample eulogies to reflect your uncle's personality and life. Adding special insight into the man he was, allows you to express your feelings better.


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